School's back in session, and so are sports! Join Jason Holzer & Trevor Rosenthal for a game-changing discussion on raising successful student athletes. Discover practical time management tips, learn how to set realistic expectations, and most importantly, keep the FUN in sports and learning! ⚽️🏀⚾️
00:00 Key Time Management Strategies for Parents
19:51 Managing Expectations and Supporting Children
23:44 Keeping it Fun: The Importance of Fun and Relaxation
28:06 Creating Consistent Routines
29:50 Supporting Children in Their Individual Journeys
In this video, you'll discover:
Simple routines to keep your young athlete on track with school and sports
How to support your child's unique goals & interests, both on and off the field
The power of open communication & flexibility during this busy time
Plus, hear inspiring stories of kids thriving in sports & academics!
Don't miss these soundbites:
"Let's talk key time management strategies for parents."
"Ask them what they want... Expectations might be a little different as long as they're giving their best."
"Keep it fun, keep it even-keeled and relaxed."
#YouthSports #ParentingTips #AthleteDevelopment #Balance #Fun #BackToSchool
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