In this episode of the I Am A Champion Show, the guys are joined by Keyen Lage to discuss how developing your emotional intelligence is essential to our success
Keyen is a former NFL Athlete turned Success Coach for Established Female Entrepreneurs & Business Owners. After almost becoming paralyzed during a football injury in the National Football League, Keyen was able to start his new journey by looking at life from a completely new perspective. He decided to dive headfirst into mastering the relationship he has with his feminine side— a side that uses "ease" and "flow" to attract what he wants, instead of "forcing" and "making things happen".
Since making that decision to mend that relationship with his feminine side, he's built an incredibly successful coaching business showing others how to do the same. Having worked with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, professional athletes, and world-class fitness models, Keyen's work in helping top performers find fulfillment in their lives through getting in touch with their feminine is impressive, considering it all started with a football injury.
Check out Keyen’s website here
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