Randall started playing the game of baseball at 5 years old and eventually got paid to play thanks to the Toronto Blue Jays. From a very young age, he always had two unexplainable loves: baseball and being creative. Filled with concepts and ideas (some better than others) he eventually combined the two and founded Dugout Mugs®, and introduced the Dugout Mug, the Wined Up, and the Knob Shot to the baseball world. In his free time, Randall likes to play tetherball and read about patent and trademark law. Randall's story is one of resilience and believing in yourself regardless of the circumstances In this episode we discuss: - How did you come up with the idea of Dugout Mugs? _ How did you maintain the believe of Dugout Mugs when going through challenges? - How did what you learn as a player help you find success with DugOut mugs? - It took you nearly 5 years for Dugout Mugs to really start to take off… Why is resilience so important? - Not only resilience, but how important is it to believe in yourself and your product? - The best 3 lessons that Randall has learned in leading a business. - What are ways you recommend people to break through their fears? - The statements that Randall affirms daily to sustain belief in himself. - Five things that are important to Randall that guides his life. - What do you do daily to train your mind for mental health? - How do you stay true to your intuition when family and friends are telling you differently? - What is your advice for athletes that wrap up their identity in what they do and struggle to transition in life? - Looking back at what you learned in life, what would suggestions would you give young Randall at 8 years old? - What are beneficial conversations that coaches can have with their players? - It is so important for coaches to understand the motivation that each of their players have for playing the sport. - A valuable exercise to get individuals to be truly committed to the team. - What are some of the key components you have learned that has allowed you trust in delegating tasks? - What suggestions do you have for parents in navigating their children through sports? - And Much More... Show updates & links: Randall Thompson / DugOut Mugs Website: https://dugoutmugs.com/ 4D Athletes Web: https://4dathletes.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/4dathletes/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/4DAthletes in: linkedin.com/company/69963537/admin/ #podcast #4dathletes #show #leadership #mindfulness #sports #coach #life #lifestyle #coaching #entrepreneur #business #ceo #lifecoach #mentalperformance #youtube. #video #vlog #live #life #MLB #Live #LiveBroadcasting #perseverence
The Game Plan Show
Welcome to Tuesdays with Trevor, where we swing for the fences, transcending the boundaries of the game to transform the sports talk arena into a powerhouse of positive change! Join MLB All-Star Trevor Rosenthal and 4D Athletes Co-Founder Jason Holzer for a sports powerplay that's not just a show – it's a dynamic rally cry, inspiring, uplifting, and empowering you through hard-hitting conversations with the sharpest minds in Sports.
Welcome to Tuesdays with Trevor, where we swing for the fences, transcending the boundaries of the game to transform the sports talk arena into a powerhouse of positive change! Join MLB All-Star Trevor Rosenthal and 4D Athletes Co-Founder Jason Holzer for a sports powerplay that's not just a show – it's a dynamic rally cry, inspiring, uplifting, and empowering you through hard-hitting conversations with the sharpest minds in Sports.Listen on
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